Best Indoor Plants for Every Room of your House

Bonnie Wicks
5 min readSep 9, 2020


Monstera Plants

Monstera Plants also known as the Swiss Cheese Plants due to the distinctive holes in the leaves comes in three genius: Monstera Obliqua, Monstera Deliciosa, or the Monstera Adansonii.

Monstera obliqua are close in appearance to Monstera adansonii. They grow similarly-shaped holes inside the leaves, and the leaves themselves are narrow rather than oval or arrow shaped. Differences between the two are subtle but important: the leaves of the Obliqua are paper-thin and will be more hole than leaf; the Adansonii is usually more leaf than hole and is subtly textured to the touch. However, it is worth noting that the Obliqua are considered so rare they are often called Unicorns, with World Expert Dr. Thomas B Croat claiming that most people that think they bought a Obliqua actually have a Adansonii.

Monstera Adansonii
Monstera Adansonii

The Adansonii doesn’t grow as fast and as big as the Monstera deliciosa, making it perfect for smaller spaces. Smaller size, but still a big impact.

Monstera adansonii will look best in a hanging basket or in a pot on a high shelf or somewhere else where its trailing vines can be shown off to advantage without getting in the way.

Put the plant near a window where it will receive bright, but indirect, sunlight.
Suitable for Bathrooms or Kitchens.

The insta-famous deliciosa is distinguishable from the Adanosonii as instead of the holes in the leaves, it has large splits in the leaves.

Monstera deliciosa is larger than the adansonii so will need a pot and room that is big enough to accomodate its growth. As with all Monstera, Do not put this plant in direct sunlight! Put your Monstera in a room that is bright but has plenty of shade from the sun.

Monstera Deliciosa

If you want a full and robust deliciosa, rotate the pot every week so it grows out evenly in all directions. You can also leave it facing a single direction so the leaves face one direction and the other side lays flat against your wall.

Suitable for Bathrooms or Living Room.

Ficus Natasja

Ficus Benjamina Natasja is also known as Baby Ben or Weeping Fig. Natasja grows to around 1 metre tall (when in a pot) and has beautiful dark green shiny pointed leaves that fall in a weeping form. Its attractive leaves and compact growth habit make it a perfect Bonsai plant.

Most ficus trees enjoy bright indirect or filtered light however bright, direct light may result in scalding of the leaves and leaf loss. Ficus trees also cannot tolerate low temperatures or drafts. Cold drafts from windows or doors will harm them, so make sure to place them somewhere where drafts will not be an issue.

Ficus Natasja

Large plants look great standing within corners, seated inside a patio or in your home office. You are likely to have seen these displayed in hotel foyers, in offices or shopping malls.

The smaller fig and bonsai types can sit where you find enough room (shelves, table tops) as long as there is enough bright light.

Just note, the F.benjamina really doesn’t like being moved around a home. Moving them kind of gives them a shock which can result in leave shedding.

Suitable for Offices or Living Room.


Haworthia are lovely little succulents that makes a very attractive small houseplants. These small, low growing plants form rosettes of fleshy green leaves that are generously covered with white, pearly warts or bands, giving them a distinctive appearance. They don’t need much fuss or care and can even go many weeks without water if required. They also tend to look brilliant in unusual containers or interesting soil mixes.

Haworthia species like bright light, but not direct sunlight. they do best in a room with a window facing east or west to provide bright light for a few hours a day.

Hawthoria Indoor Plant

This plant doesn’t need any humidity. What it does require is good ventilation, especially at night when they take in carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.

Suitable for Bedrooms or Dining Room.

Zamioculcas Zamiifolia

More commonly known as Zanzibar Gem. A Zanzibar gem is the perfect plant for a beginner as it is extremely forgiving if slightly neglected. Its dark-green, shiny, waxy leaves look prehistoric. Bright light is good but not essential. The zamioculcas zamiifolia grows fine with low levels of light, but it’s best to avoid direct sunlight.

Zamioculcas Zamiifolia more commonly knonwn as Zanzibar Gem
Zamioculcas Zamiifolia

A word of warning, these plants are known to be toxic so don’t eat it, keep it away from nibbling pets and overly curious children, and always wash your hands after handling it to avoid skin irritation.

Great for a sculptural floor plant in your hallway or living room.

Ficus Rubber
Rubber plants (Ficus elastica) are perfect plants for beginner indoor gardeners as they’re super tough, have large glossy leaves and grow quickly into an impressive indoor specimen. Great for lush instant greening or filling an empty corner of a room. There are some very attractive rubber plant varieties available, including ‘Burgundy’ with richly coloured almost black foliage, ‘Tineke’ with pink, cream and green leaves and variegated with green and golden leaf markings.

The Rubber Plant’s size can be restricted to an extent with regular pruning. However you have to keep in mind these houseplants are determined to grow upwards, no matter what and don’t stay small and compact forever, eventually requiring a certain amount vertical of space.

Rubber trees do not require much light, but flourish in bright, indirect light. Many people put their rubber trees near a window where the light is filtered through a pair of sheer curtains. Avoid moving your plant around unnecessarily as sudden changes of light and temperature can adversely affect your plant. Protect from cold drafts and mist foliage with a trigger sprayer to keep plants looking fresh and increase humidity.

Loves larger spaces in your home where it can grow freely; it’s perfect on your living room floor or in a double-height space such as a staircase void or near door entrances (as longs as their are no cold drafts).

Rubber Trees, Rubber plants (Ficus elastica)
Rubber plants (Ficus elastica)



Bonnie Wicks

Creater of Pele Perfumerie candles designed to bring light to your life. A Wife, Mum, Life-long Learner. Dedicated to self-improvement & empowerment. Be Kind.